Facebook promotions are a great to acquire new fans and or to engage your existing fan base. However, there are important rules that must be followed. Watch this video prepared by Facebook to understand the basics Wild Fire App offers a great suite of Facebook apps that make it easy to run photo and video contest or […]
Super Bowl Commercials
I’m not a fan of football, but I do enjoy the the creativity of some of the Super Bowl commercials. Here’s a link with all the commercials, pick your favorite.
Google New Privacy Options
Google’s new privacy policy really is a hobson’s choice, you can either agree to let Google know “everything” you do or stop using Google. Actually it’s not a drastic as you might think, but it’s still pretty serious. In theory Google could look at your calendar and note your current location from your smart phone […]
Facebook just launched an aggressive program for small businesses. You can receive up to $150 in advertising on Facebook. A page needs a minimum of 50 fans to be eligible. It’s very easy to setup “sponsored stories” and quickly grow your fans. Watch a short video to learn more.
Please view one of our latest website rescue – Literacy Volunteers of Central CT
Literacy Volunteers of Central CT provide small group and one-on-one literacy tutoring to over 350 adults each year. There old site was difficult to update and didn’t highlight the many strengths of this incredible organization.
I “LIKE” the Facebook Shower Curtain
Is taking a shower the only time when you’re not clicking away on social networking sites? Well now even this is possible with the Social Shower Curtain – the ideal gift for social networking geeks. Bring your profile to life while you lather up with our comical shower curtain gift, featuring a transparent section so […]
A Different New Years Resolution – Shop Locally
As the New Year begins we typically make the same resolutions: lose weight, become more patient, spend more time with our families. These are all important and great resolutions, but I would like to suggest another, “Shop locally.” Why “shop locally”? One reason is to preserve the charm and beauty of our shoreline towns. Sure, […]
Facebook Ads will be included in your Facebook News Feed Next Month
“Sponsored Stories” are a very clever way to advertise on Facebook, as they appear to be “recommendations” from your friends. They are very cost effective and a great way to increase your fan base. Next month Facebook is taking a dramatic step and will be including them in your News Feed. However, Facebook states that […]
Facebook announces new Timeline – your life at a glance
Facebook gave everyone an early Christmas present when they released Timeline last week. This is a dramatic change in the way your page will look. Note this is for personal pages and not yet available for business pages. To learn more about Timeline and to enable it for your page please visit: Facebook/timeline It’s a […]
Five crazy Facebook facts you can use to spice up your next conversation:
1: Facebook has become so popular that a group of psychologists identified a new mental disorder called Facebook Addiction Disorder. 2: In some countries Facebook has already infiltrated their court system. In a ruling that could make legal and internet history, Australia’s Supreme Court ruled last week lawyers could use the Facebook to serve court […]