WordPress version of site launched

We are excited to launch our WordPress version of a static HTML site for Stamler Publishing Company, TrafficSafetyNews.com This new site, allows the publisher to upload snippets of all their monthly publications. This keeps the site fresh and will increase ranking with the search engines. In addition client can now add updated information to articles. […]

Morgan Stanley Cut Facebook Estimates Just Before IPO and other problems

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s chairman said on Tuesday that regulators plan to review allegations that Morgan Stanley shared negative news before Facebook’s initial public offering with institutional investors. In a separate case, Nasdaq OMX Group has been sued by an investor who claimed the exchange operator was negligent in handling orders for Facebook shares following […]

Great Tips to Optimize your Website for Mobile

The mobile search is a market segment that is constantly growing. It has been found that 61% of mobile users will never return to a website that is not adapted to their mobile devices. This figure shows the importance to your business to optimize your online store for smart phones, tablets etc. However, the search […]

Facebook Advertising Slammed on Eve of IPO

Timing is everything. It’s been a rough week for Facebook: a new report shows that Google leads Facebook in number of advertising-related areas and GM announced that it will be stopping its $10 million Facebook campaign, because it their opinion it doesn’t work. Read the complete article.

Friday is Facebook’s IPO day

Friday will be the day that Facebook becomes a publicly traded company. I was surprised to learn that 83% of people say that they hardly or never click on ads. Click here to watch a good video overview from MSNBC and reactions from the average Facebook user. 

So far this hasn’t crossed the Pond yet, but some bouncers in England have been demanding people hand over their smartphones so they can check Facebook accounts. It’s claimed that it is to make sure the person is who they say they are and isn’t using fake identification. Read the complete story. 


Get Things Done

Benjamin Franklin was a man of action. Over his lifetime, his curiosity and passion fueled a diverse range of interests. He was a writer (often using a pseudonym), publisher, diplomat, inventor and one of the Founding Fathers.  We know his classic quote “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.” This man of […]

Facebook offers

Facebook has  a great way to increase sales and it doesn’t cost you a cent. You can easily create offers on your Facebook page, Facebook handles the rest. Example you can post a 50% discount on a product, add restrictions and even limit the number of people that claim the discount. Facebook handles the rest. […]

What a 9-Year-Old Can Teach You About Selling

If you want your conversations to have a real impact, you need to simplify your message. I recently read a study that confirmed my suspicion that most people don’t remember what we present to them in a sales call. The data suggested that the average buyer in a meeting will only remember one thing–one!–a week […]

Facebook ‘Likes’ Could Get You Fired, and Legal Options are a Challenge

We have all heard of horror stories about personal Facebook postings. But this is serious. Facebook “likes” can possibly get you fired, and if you take your employer to court over the punishment you may have an uphill legal battle. That’s what several plaintiffs found when they took the matter to the U.S. District Court […]