Basics to Help You Setup Your Facebook Page

Every business should have a Facebook Page. However, having a Facebook Page is not just about getting tons of fans it’s about connecting and engaging with your customers and fans. When your fans comment or share your posts this will will increase your “reach” or number of new people that see your fan page.

First you need to build your fan page and fill out basic info; address, hours, web address etc. This allows people to learn more about your company and ultimately find and visit your store.

Second step add profile pictures, this adds personality to your store. Then invite your friends and family, this will “prime the pump” and help jump start your fan base. The beauty of this is that friends of your friends will learn about your new business page.

Lastly setup a vanity URL, example and make certain to put this URL on all your marketing assets.

Once you have setup your page try and post at least once a week. You can then use Insights the built in tracking program to learn which posts resonate with your fans.